
  • Zoroastrianism is related to the Parsi religion.
  • Zarathushtra or Zoroaster is considered as the founder of this religion.
  • It emerged in Persia (modern day Iran) and it is contemporary of Vedic religion in India.
  • Zend Avesta is considered as the holy book of Zoroastrianism. It is considered as contemporary of Rigveda. It also mentioned some of the Indian rivers.
  • The sub-part of Zend Avesta is known as Gatha, which was written in Sanskrit language.
  • There were also many instances in Rigveda where things of Parsi religion is mentioned.

Practices of Zoroastrianism 
  • Zoroastrianism people believe in two kinds of spirits - Spenta Mainyu (i.e., spirit of good) and Angra Mainyu (i.e., spirit of evil).
  • They say that because of these two spirits, there is a balance in the universe. Whenever the situation arises that Angra Mainyu dominates the scenario, the balance is re-established by Zoroastrianism god, Ahura Mazda.
  • Ahura Mazda is also considered as the god of fire. 
  • The worship place of Zoroastrianism is known as Atash Behram (means Fire Temple).

Note - Giving importance to fire god is common in both Zoroastrianism and Rig Veda.

fire temple
Fire temple

Beliefs of Zoroastrianism people - Zoroastrianism people believe in dualism, i.e., Cosmic dualism and Moral dualism.

Cosmic Dualism 
  • Parsis believed in two kinds of forces operating in the universe. 
  • Forces of good lead to constructive activity. For example - Birth, Day, Creation of new river, Increase in biodiversity, Plantation of new forests, etc.
  • While the second force is the forces of destruction which causes death, extreme climatic phenomenon like flood, draught, etc. and earthquakes.
Moral Dualism 
  • Because of the existence of positive and negative spirits, human mind is influenced.
  • When it is motivated by positive spirits, humans do constructive activities but when it is motivated by negative vias then the incidences of assassination, murder, theft, etc. happens.

Rituals of Zoroastrianism - The orthodox Parsis did not bury or cremated their body. Instead they leave the dead body fallow in open space to be fed by scavengers and decomposers.
        The place in Mumbai where it is practiced is known as Silence tower.

In contemporary times, Parsis reformed this aspect of their religion and now they bury their dead in a graveyard.

Various different form of religion in Chronological order (from oldest to latest)
  1. Vedic Religion
  2. Parsi Religion
  3. Jainism
  4. Buddhism
  5. Judaism
  6. Christianity
  7. Islam
  8. Taoism
  9. Confucianism
Note - The last two, i.e., Taoism and Confucianism are not considered as religion. These are generally the practices which exist in China.

Which of the following are Abrahamic religion?
  1. Christianity
  2. Islam
  3. Judaism
Ans - All of the above 
  • Abraham is the considered as the founder of Judaism. Jesus Christ and Prophet Mohammad both were born in Abrahamic family.

Some facts about Judaism religion 
  • Abraham is the founder of this religion.
  • People who follow Judaism are known as Jewish.
  • They believe in one single god.
  • Their holy book is called Torah.

Previous Article - Jainism

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Public Administration

Note - This is my Vision IAS Notes (Vision IAS Class Notes) and Ashutosh Pandey Sir's Public Administration Class notes. I've also added some of the information on my own. 

Hope! It will help you to achieve your dream of getting selected in Civil Services Examination 👍

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